Clinical Mental Health Counseling, M.S.

Two PBA students talk in a coffee shop.

Position yourself as a servant leader in demanding, challenging, and rewarding settings through the Master of Science (M.S.在拼搏体育获得临床心理健康咨询学位. 选择对你的职业目标有影响的课程和专业, practice exhibiting your faith as a counselor, 并准备在佛罗里达州获得临床执照.

School of Education & Behavioral Studies

Orlando , West Palm Beach



Why Study Clinical Mental Health Counseling at PBA?

Building on PBA’s values, 咨询和帮助专业的知识和经验, and our profound grounding in our Christian faith, the M.S. 临床心理健康咨询计划为您准备一个有意义和持久的职业生涯.

您将通过我们严格的学术课程为临床执照和各种专业背景做好准备, field-based experiential learning, personal growth experiences, 与高技能的教师建立密切的师徒关系.

  • Heritage of Faith:实践保持一个独特的基督教和临床专业身份.
  • Clinical Licensure:我们的课程旨在满足佛罗里达州心理健康咨询或学校咨询执照的要求.
  • Specialize: Follow the Clinical Mental Health Counseling track, add one of four optional concentrations, 或者用非学位证书来提升你的资历.
  • Diverse Service: Here in culturally, ethnically, and linguistically diverse South and Central Florida, you will serve clients, neighbors, and communities of all kinds.

Program Mission

辅导员教育计划的使命是促进全面的教育经验, 通过这些课程培养学生的个人和专业素质, competencies, ethical judgment, and spiritual awareness, 当他们准备在学校咨询专业服务, clinical mental health counseling, or for advanced study in a related field.


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What You’ll Learn


  • 展示熟练的咨询技巧,在临床心理健康咨询的背景下形成和建立专业关系
  • Use empirically based strategies to identify ethically, culturally, and developmentally appropriate preventions, interventions, and advocacy to treat mental health issues
  • 发展和展示辅导员应有的专业素质
  • 当客户需要的时候,在咨询实践中整合神学信息和灵性敏感的干预
  • 在专业实践中运用咨询知识、技能和性格.

Pathway to Professional Licensure

State licensure and certification requirements vary. The M.S. PBA的临床心理健康咨询课程涵盖了佛罗里达州心理健康咨询或学校咨询执照的课程和经验要求, 但是你可能需要完成额外的要求才能在另一个州获得执照. Review complete state licensure requirements.

根据佛罗里达州严格的执照标准来调整我们的课程, we ensure the academic rigor, professional experience, 综合素质和我们的临床心理健康咨询程度.

Program Details

临床心理健康咨询硕士课程旨在为您在佛罗里达州的临床执照做准备. 你将熟练掌握临床实践的基础知识, including legal standards, assessments and testing, diagnosis and treatment, 以及与群体相关的专业方法的各种理论和技术, substance abuse, marriage and family systems, and more. 你也可以选择一个可选的专业来进一步磨练你的学习,以配合你的职业目标.

Review all courses for the M.S. in Mental Health Counseling.

申请PBA临床心理健康咨询学位课程, you need to demonstrate that you:

  1. 持有地区认可机构的学士学位
  2. Achieve undergraduate minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale with exceptions, on a case-by-case basis
  3. Submit:
    • Online application
    • 授予学士学位的学院/大学和修过先决课程的学院/大学的正式成绩单
    • Two confidential recommendation forms
    • Essay (prompt provided)
  4. Faculty Interview

注:入学决定建议由辅导员教育计划的教师选拔委员会提出,包括考虑每个申请人对职业目标的表述, record of academic achievement, relevant preparation and experience, potential success in becoming a counselor, and attitude of openness to diverse cultures and people.

多样性声明:PBA遵守所有适用的联邦和州非歧视法律,不从事基于年龄的非法歧视, gender, disability, veteran status, race, color or national origin in any employment practice, admissions, education program or educational activity. This nondiscrimination policy covers admissions, 就业和获得大学课程的机会和治疗, services and activities.

Begin your journey toward becoming a well rounded, thoughtful, and impactful mental health counselor at

At the bottom of the page, Create an account to create a new application. You will then:

  • Create a new graduate application
  • Select West Palm Beach OR Orlando as the campus/location
  • Select the Counseling degree as the focus
  • 选择你的入学学期和学年(春季从一月份开始), Summer starts in May, and Fall starts in August).
  • Fill in your personal information.
  • Fill in contact information for recommendations. 他们将收到一封电子邮件,说明如何提交推荐信.
  • Submit the application.
  • After submission, 一个核对表将填充,使您了解您的进度,以完成您的申请. 一旦你的成绩单和推荐信收到,它就会提醒你. 
  • Use the provided hyperlink to complete the required essay 
  • Fully completed applications will be reviewed and interviews scheduled. See the interview schedule below.
  • 录取决定将在面试后72小时内通知申请人.

Interview Session Schedule

Interview dates for the M.S. 临床心理健康咨询项目遵循一致的时间表:

9:45 – 10 a.m.– Complimentary coffee/tea (optional).

10 a.m. – Group Interview Session

  • Introductions of faculty and all attendees
  • 教师的ppt演示,提供项目的概述(专业化), concentrations, clinical experience, required courses, other assessments, class schedule, etc.)

11:30 a.m. – Question & Answer session to faculty and an alumnus

12 p.m. – Individual Interview Session

  • Individual interview with a program faculty member 

1:00 p.m. – Conclusion of interview session

In the M.S. 在临床心理健康咨询中,你将主要以传统的住院形式学习. Some courses are offered online, 包括那些专门针对危机和创伤咨询的课程. All programs, concentrations, 我们的西拼搏体育和奥兰多校区都提供证书.

你的形成性和总结性评估将采取多种形式, including but not limited to quizzes, exams, lectures, small-group discussions, presentations, research papers, role-playing activities, field experiences, 以及使用Canvas (PBA的在线学习管理系统).

根据你现有的工作经验和长期的职业抱负,决定是否选择一个可选的专业. The 临床心理健康咨询专业硕士 include:

  • 学校环境中的咨询——研究与学生相关的学校咨询, teachers, parents, and agencies
  • 危机和创伤咨询-检查创伤的生理影响和潜在的干预措施 
  • 婚姻和家庭研究-准备继续教育和工作在婚姻和家庭治疗
  • 游戏治疗-探索儿童和青少年治疗的表达理论和技术

应用你所学的咨询知识,在临床设置通过两个动手, face-to-face experiential opportunities. 这些课程旨在满足佛罗里达州的心理健康咨询许可要求.

In the practicum course, 您将与现场持牌心理健康专家和大学主管一起工作,完成至少100小时的工作时间, of which at least 40 hours must be direct service. 在为期两个学期的600多个小时的实习中,你将进一步发展你的技能和经验, including a minimum of 240 hours of direct service. 回顾完整的实习和实习课程要求.

如果你从事或打算从事药物滥用咨询工作, 在我们的咨询师教育项目中获得额外的培训, 什么可以导致CAP(认证成瘾专家)的称号. CAP是为评估人员提供的专业药物滥用证书, develop, and provide substance abuse treatment services and plans.

NOTE: The Counselor Education Program will not directly certify you in addiction counseling; it helps you fulfill the educational requirement toward the CAP.

Advance your credentials with a graduate certificate. 这些较短的课程可以让你获得与你现有工作或职业目标相关的有针对性的专业知识. 我们的证书课程,提供给非学位的学生,包括:

  • Crisis and Trauma Counseling Certificate
  • Play Therapy Graduate Certificate
  • Counseling in School Settings Certificate
  • Marriage and Family Therapy Studies Certificate

Pass Rates

Using state licensure verification tools, provided by Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling, 64名学生中有35人获得了佛罗里达州颁发的执照. Some graduates were indicated as deceased, 还有一些人仍然是注册实习生,但尚未获得执照. 目前尚不清楚有多少人(可能)在其他州获得了执照. 未来的结果调查将更准确地跟踪这些数据,并提供就业安置率. 

Completion Rate

使用标准的150%模型报告学生的完成率, 以下是最近拼搏体育临床心理健康咨询完成率.

For the 2017 CMH Cohort, 20名学生在正常毕业时间的150%内毕业,4名学生没有(83%对17%). 这包括2017年在CMH下开始并在150%的时间内完成硕士学位的学生. Not all finished under CMH but they did finish at PBA. CMH 2017届学员完成的项目分类如下:

Job Placement Rates

Based on the NACE First-Destination Survey Template, for the class of 2020-21: of the 22 graduates, 据报有8人受雇(6人全职,2人兼职), earning an average salary of $45,000 annually. 这些结果与该大学的工商管理硕士项目相当,后者报告了相同的毕业生人数和就业率.

See Annual Report 


Jeremy Bonta, Ph.D., LMHC-S, Assistant Professor of Counseling*

Kathryn Bosso Iandoli, Ph.D., LMHC, Assistant Professor of Counseling*

Stephan Brown, Ph.D., LMHC-S, NCC, Assistant Professor of Counseling*

Devie Forrester Ed.D., LMFT,注册学校辅导员,辅导员教育项目主任*

Philip Henry, Ph.D., LP,合格导师(MHC),心理咨询教授*

Ana Jaramillo de Graham, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Counseling*

Lindsay Kozachuk-Allen, Ph.D., RMHCI, RMFTI, Assistant Professor of Counseling*

Joanna Kutsukos Ed.D., LMHC-S, Assistant Professor of Counseling*

Laura Rendon Finnell, LMHC-S, NCC, CCMHC,咨询指导师,临床主任,咨询师教育项目

Steven Vensel, Ph.D., L.C.S.W., Associate Professor of Counseling*

* Denotes Core Faculty

Sydney Nmezi, Secretary, School of Education and Behavioral Studies

Grecia Hernandez教育与行为研究学院项目协调员

Natalya Norus, Success Coach, Online Enrollment

Keith Dawson, Director of Graduate & Online Enrollment


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拼搏体育是由南方学院和学校协会学院委员会(SACSCOC)认证的。. The PBA M.S. 咨询学位(临床心理健康咨询和学校咨询专业)旨在满足佛罗里达州目前的学术要求,以获得心理健康咨询师执照或学校咨询师认证, respectively. 执照/认证因州而异,毕业生在佛罗里达州以外的州寻求执照/认证时应准备遵守额外的要求.

拼搏体育临床心理健康咨询理学硕士获得咨询及相关教育项目认证委员会(CACREP)的认证。, located at 500 Montgomery Street, Suite 350, Alexandria, VA 22314. 认证期为2022年7月13日至2032年3月31日

Counseling Careers

在各种各样的环境中为个人和社区服务, including schools and universities, community agencies, private practices, crisis centers, humanitarian organizations, and government agencies.

PBA的临床心理健康咨询硕士学位为您提供佛罗里达州的专业执照,如果您选择在另一个司法管辖区获得执照或认证,您将走上成功之路. You’ll be well-positioned to meet the high demand for mental health counselors, which is projected to grow by 18% over the next decade. Our program also prepares you for School Counseling 在那里,平均年薪超过6万美元.

Admissions West Palm Beach

Office of Admissions
Graduate Admissions Representative

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Orlando Admissions

Orlando Campus

4700 Millenia Blvd. Ste. 100
Orlando, FL 32839

Send Email
Phone: 561-803-2897

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